Raise money for Bet Tikvah while you shop!

Bet Tikvah is a registered charity and
is affiliated to Liberal Judaism

Members and supporters can raise money for the synagogue when buying goods or services online.

All you have to do is log on to: http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/

Register on the site and select 'Bet Tikvah Synagogue ' as your chosen cause.

Search for your favourite online stores - there are hundreds to choose from and go shopping!

For every order you place the synagogue will receive a donation from the store. It costs you nothing.

School Visits to Bet Tikvah

Bet Tikvah welcomes school visits up to a maximum of 100 children (plus teachers and adult helpers). A visit would usually last from one to one-and-a-half hours.

For the children to benefit educationally, it would be helpful for them to have had some classroom preparation covering the principles of the Jewish faith and Jewish religious practice.

We would generally expect visits from children in Year Groups 4 and above.

Our synagogue can accommodate those in wheelchairs.

For more information about arranging school visits please go to

Then select Redbridge>Visits>Bet Tikvah